Where ELSE do Teachers go at Night?
Author : Harriet CumingIllustrator : Sophie NorsaAge : 3 - 8 yearsWhere ELSE do teachers go at night, when we've all gone home and they've turned out the light?More amazingly wonderful adventures with the crazy inexhaustible teachers from Where do Teachers go at Night?Release date : 31st January 2020
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Harriet CumingHarriet Cuming is an early childhood teacher with 37 and a half years of experience – the half is very important. She has taught in Australia, Papua New Guinea and the United Kingdom, and currently lives on the Northern Beaches in Sydney, Australia. Where Do Teachers Go at Night? is her first ...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Sophie NorsaAs a work experience student Sophie's exceptional artistic talents were quickly discovered by New Frontier Publishing. She was shortlisted for the Crichton Award for her illustrations in Yellow Dress Day. Her next book, Matilda Saves Santa Claus will be released in November 2013. Lisa Absolutely Lov...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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