Harriet's Expanding Heart
Author : Rachel BraceIllustrator : Angela PerriniAge : 3 - 8 yearsIt's normal for children living in stepfamilies to have lots of different feelings and to feel different things at different times.This story shares Harriet's emotional experiences surrounding her stepfamily beginnings.Release date : 1st July 2021
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Rachel BraceRachel Brace is a registered psychologist and co-creator and founder of www.steppingthrough.com.au - an educational and support resource for stepparents and their partners. She has worked extensively with children and families over many years across a variety of settings in New Zealand, United Kingd...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Angela PerriniAngela Perrini is an artist who also teaches drawing. Her illustrations have been published in several children's books. Angela creates contemporary images that are watercolour based and digitally finished. She has a degree in Art History and lives in Puglia, Italy. Her website is www.rose-nellinsal...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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